Tuesday, May 4, 2010


What is the cause of the disease?
Trapping of platelets in the spleen 
If there is an enlarged spleen, it will contain more platelets reducing the amount of platelets in circulation
Reduced production of platelets 
Platelets are produced in your bone marrow. A disease or condition that involves your bone marrow, such as leukemia and some types of anemia, could lead to a reduction in the number of new platelets produced. Viral infections, like HIV infection, may suppress your bone marrow's ability to make platelets. Harmful chemicals like alcohol can also reduce your bodies ability to produce platelets.
Increased breakdown of platelets
A number of conditions can cause your body to use up or destroy platelets more rapidly than they are produced, leading to a shortage of platelets in your bloodstream. Examples include:
Pregnancy. Being pregnant may cause mild thrombocytopenia.
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). In ITP, your body's immune system mistakenly identifies platelets as a threat and forms antibodies that attack them killing the platelets reducing the platelet count.
Autoimmune diseases. Other diseases in which your body's immune system attacks healthy tissue may cause thrombocytopenia. Examples include lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Bacteria in the blood. Severe bacterial infections involving the blood (bacteremia) may lead to destruction of platelets.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). TTP is a rare condition that occurs when small blood clots suddenly form throughout your body, using up large numbers of platelets.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome. This rare disorder causes a sharp drop in platelets, destruction of red blood cells and impairment of kidney function. Sometimes it can occur in association with a bacterial Escherichia coli (E. coli) infection, such as may be acquired from eating raw or undercooked meat.
Medications. Certain medications can cause a thrombocytopenic reaction by confusing the immune system and causing it to destroy platelets. Examples include heparin, quinidine, quinine, sulfa-containing antibiotics, anticonvulsants and gold salts.
How does the component of blood/ blood vessel affected in the disease
It will greatly reduce the ability of the patient to clot after getting a wound.

What is the function of the blood component/ structure in circulatory system?
Platelets- It is to clot blood when you have a wound and prevent excessive bleeding.

iv. How does this blood component/ structure differ from the rest in the circulatory system?
Platelets are irregularly-shaped anuclear ( do not contain a nucleus ) cell fragments. Platelets are significantly smaller then red blood cells.

How will the absence of the blood component / structure affect the health of the patient?

Excessive bleeding, hard to stop bleeding once started. Blood may be present in urine

vi. How technology is used to facilitate the analysis of one’s state of health and improve one’s lifestyle?
There are blood tests for early detection and for early treatment increasing the chances of recovering.

How technology is used to save lives with respect to the disease investigated?

We can detect it early and we can use chemotherapy to kill the harmful cells killing the platelets if that is the case.

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